Sunday, February 5, 2023

What to put in the jar of financial independence

 Something struck me today. 

Six, seven years ago; financial security was so important for us. Getting to a work-situation that was sustainable, and then amass enough for financial independence was the most important thing to do.

Let's imagine that all things we wanted to do in a year would fit in a jar; something like collecting pebbles. 

Priorities shift for good reasons - so beware of the autopilot that keep going on old goals

Financial security was the first pebble to put in the jar of things to do in that year.

And that was a big pebble, pushing so much else out.

Only after we had put in the pebble of amassing as much as possible for financial security and independence; then it was possible for us to even consider other things. 

But now; we have passed financial independence. We have passed a possible monthly spending significantly higher than what we spend now - and what keeps us fairly happy.

We are probably on the path of having wealth beyond what we will be able to spend, or want to spend, and will end up in our 60ies and 70ies with more than we can understand.

So do we do what's most important today as well?

Or are we going on autopilot, and just put in the pebble of amassing more money in the jar of things we can do in a year? Do we really consider that what was a very important priority 7 years ago, has changed, when we have passed all those stations along the tracks to and beyond financial freedom?

Shouldn't we perhaps consider that other things are important, and need space over a year: health, for instance, why not go from decent health to top-health? Or friends? Or appreciate the shifting seasons and the small beautiful things in life? Visiting family?   

Everything is fleeting, and the moments will be lost if we don't attend to them.

How important is that, compared to but another bunch of euros in the barn? 

Have we set our priorities straight? 

Is it time to give up the feeling of financial insecurity, and understand that the pebble of amassing, now, hides other things; things that are more important to us.

Perhaps it's time to realize that we have arrived. 

